BDSD 2023

The Bern Data Science Initiative (BeDSI) invites to the 3rd Bern Data Science Day. It brings together data scientists from the University of Bern, the Bern University Hospital, sitem-insel and the Psychiatric University Clinic (UPD) for a unique conference on applied Data Science (DS). It gathers scientists from different domains to network and exchange ideas on emerging trends and research results in data science.

The stimulating program will focus on extended poster sessions in lobby mode for networking facilitation, the keynote talks framing the event. Everyone is invited to submit an abstract on any data processing aspect related to their work. Abstracts are reviewed by the scientific committee for oral and poster presentation. Vote winning contributions will receive prizes from our sponsors. Posters are reviewed and invited for voluntary upload to the BORIS Publications University of Bern repository with DOI for reference.

Important dates and deadlines

Abstract/Discussion topic submission: Abstract submission is closed
Registration: Registration is closed
Notification to authors: April 21
Poster submission: May 1 (voluntary)
Conference day: May 5
Repository submission: May 31 (voluntary)




UniS, University of Bern, Schanzeneckstrasse 1, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland

Agenda May 5

Kathryn Hess Bellwald (Photo by: Eddy Mottaz of Le Temps)

09:00 - Keynote by Kathryn Hess Bellwald

Topological Data Analysis : extracting insights from the “shape” of data 

Abstract: The guiding philosophy of topological data analysis (TDA) is that the “shape” of a point cloud of data should reveal meaningful structure in the data.   I will briefly sketch the theoretical foundations of TDA, describe some of its most frequently used and powerful methods, and conclude with examples of significant applications in cancer biology, neuroscience, and material science.

Kathryn Hess Bellwald, a PhD holder from MIT, has held academic positions at universities in Stockholm, Nice, Toronto, and now EPFL. Her research focuses on algebraic topology and its applications in life and materials sciences. Her publications cover topics in pure algebraic topology and topological data analysis, including homotopy theory, operad theory, and algebraic K-theory. She has also developed innovative topological approaches to network theory, leading to a powerful, parameter-free mathematical framework that relates the activity of a neural network to its underlying structure. In recognition of her contributions, she has received numerous awards and honors, including being elected to Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences, named a fellow of the American Mathematical Society, and invited as a distinguished speaker to the European Mathematical Society. Additionally, she has won several teaching prizes at EPFL, including the Crédit Suisse teaching prize and the Polysphère d’Or.


Brice-Olivier Demory

13:00 - Keynote by Brice-Olivier Demory

Bayes in the sky: the search for life in the universe

Abstract: The search for life beyond the Earth is an endeavour that involves formidable challenges. Space missions that recently launched generate huge amounts of data that are getting increasingly precise. In this talk, I will show some examples on how Bayesian methods are used to investigate some of the most compelling questions humankind ever asked: "where do we come from?", "are we alone?"

Brice-Olivier Demory is a Professor of Astrophysics at the University of Bern and leader of the SAINT-EX research group. With a PhD in Astrophysics from the University of Geneva and previous positions at MIT and the University of Cambridge, Brice-Olivier Demory has extensive experience in the field of exoplanet detection and characterization using both ground- and space-based facilities. He has also led multiple astronomical instrumentation projects, including SAINT-EX and MERMOZ, and the BrainPol project for non-invasive cancer screening and staging techniques. His contributions have earned him numerous awards and honors, such as the ERC Consolidator Grant and the NASA Group Achievement Award.